2023-04-13 14:47:21

Sushi maker - Sushi chef

2700 - 3500 €/mēn. Bruto

Darba apraksts

We are one of the largest and most respected sushi chains in Scandinavia, with 35 locations that include Take Away shops, Diners, Restaurants, and two Michelin-starred Fine Dining Omakase experiences in Stavanger and Oslo. Our establishments vary in size, seating from 10 to 160 guests, but all share a commitment to quality, simplicity, and delivering the best experience for our guests.

Our Motto: "Healthy, honest, and real sushi - Sushi for the people".

With continuous growth, we have openings for Sushi Chefs and leadership roles in Stavanger, Bergen, Trondheim, and potentially other locations. We prioritize the growth and development of our team, offering a supportive and enjoyable working environment. We're seeking individuals with high ambitions who want to grow with us and deliver outstanding experiences to our guests.

If you’re passionate about sushi and have the qualifications to work in Norway, we want to hear from you!

Prasības kandidātiem

  • Minimum 1 year of experience in sushi preparation.
  • Must hold European citizenship to work in Norway without the need for a visa.

What can we offer?

  • Competitive monthly salary ranging from 34,000 to 42,000 NOK, depending on experience.
  • Flexible work schedule: 170 hours per month, 5 weeks of vacation, and 2 days off per week.
  • Basic certification in sushi as so for advanced Kuro-Obi (black belt of sushi).
  • Trips tp the suppliers and several acitivites.
  • Possibilities of partnerships.

Galvenie ieguvumi

Apmaksātas papildu brīvdienas
Atlaide/bezmaksas ēdināšana darbavietā / tuvu darba vietai
Elastīgums un labs darba / privātās dzīves līdzsvars
Ģimenei draudzīgs darba devējs
Iekļaujoša darba kultūra (tiek ņemts vērā darbinieku viedoklis)
Iespēja iegūt uzņēmuma akcijas
Karjeras izaugsmes iespējas
Motivējoši papildu labumi
Mūsdienīgi darba apstākļi
Profesionālās izaugsmes iespējas
Starptautiskas karjeras iespējas
Tiek ņemts vērā darbinieku viedoklis par darba laiku

Citi apskatīja arī