We are looking for a Technical Support Specialist to join our team. This role belongs to the second line of customer support. The main task of Technical Support Specialist is to keep abreast of what is happening, monitor the situation and quickly cope with non-standard situations. Work schedule is organized in shifts: (8.00 to 17.00 & 15.00 to 24.00) .
The work includes shifts on weekends 16/7 - 365, and night shifts are possible in the future. 24/7 - 365
Knowledge/Experience that will be considered as advantage:
Lūdzu, ievadi savu jautājumu. Kad darba devējs atbildēs uz Tavu jautājumu, atlbilde parādīsies pie darba sludinājuma. CVMarket.lv apmeklētāji neredzēs Tavu e-pasta adresi.
CVMarket.lv pievienos linku uz izvēlēto darba sludinājumu e-pasta apakšā.